Monday, October 29, 2007

Do you remember?

The perfect age is somewhere between old enough to know better and too young to care. How many of these do you remember?

* Candy cigarettes

* Plastic Army Men

* Wax Coke-shaped bottles with colored sugar water inside

* Soda pop machines that dispensed glass bottles

* Coffee shops with tableside jukeboxes

* Blackjack, Clove and Teaberry chewing gum

* Home milk delivery in glass bottles with cardboard stoppers

* Chief Pontiac Signs

* P.F. Fliers

* Telephone numbers with a word prefix...(Raymond 4-601). Party lines

* Howdy Dowdy

* 45 RPM records

* 45 rpm spindles

* Green Stamps

* Metal ice cubes trays with levers

* Beanie and Cecil

* Roller-skate keys

* Cork pop guns

* Marlin Perkins

* Drive in Movies

* Drive in restaurants

* Car Hops

* Studebakers

* Topo Gigio

* Washtub wringers

* The Fuller Brush Man

* Sky King

* Reel-To-Reel tape recorders

* Tinkertoys

* Erector Sets

* Lincoln Logs

* 15 cent McDonald hamburgers

* 5 cent packs of baseball cards

* Penny candy

* 25 cent a gallon gasoline

* Jiffy Pop popcorn

* 5 cent stamps

* Gum wrapper chains

* Chatty Cathy dolls

* 5 cent Cokes

* Speedy Alka-Seltzer

* Cigarettes for Christmas

* Falstaff Beer

* Burma Shave signs

* Brownie camera

* Flash bulbs

* TV Test patterns

* Old Yeller

* Chef Boy-ar-dee

* Fire escape tubes

* Timmy and Lassie

* Ding Dong Avon calling!!

* Brylcreem

* Aluminum Christmas Trees

If you can remember most or all of these, then you have lived!!!!!!!

Pass this on to anyone who may need a break from their "grown-up" life . . .I double-dog-dare-ya!

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